Phaser® 7750 Color Laser Printer
Copyright © 2004 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This topic includes:
"Resident Printer Fonts" on page 1-23
"Viewing a List of Resident Fonts" on page 1-23
"Printing a List of Resident Fonts" on page 1-24
"Downloading Fonts" on page 1-25
Types of Fonts
Your printer uses the following types of fonts:
Resident fonts
Fronts downloaded into printer memory
Fonts downloaded with your print job from the application
Adobe Type Manager (ATM) software enables your computer to display these fonts on your
computer screen as they will appear in your prints.
If you do not have ATM on your computer:
Install it from the Printer Installer and Utilities CD-ROM.
Install the printer’s screen fonts for your computer from the ATM folder.
Resident Printer Fonts
Printer-resident PostScript and PCL fonts are always available for printing. Japanese fonts are
provided for applicable countries per special licensing requirements. Screen versions are
available for countries using these fonts.
Viewing a List of Resident Fonts
To view a list of resident PCL or PostScript fonts, use CentreWare IS:
Launch your web browser.
Enter your printer’s IP address in the browser’s Address field (http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx).
Select Properties.
Select the Web Server folder on the left sidebar.
Select Font Files.