Version 1.8 2/4/99
Warning: Once the upgrade process has begun, DO NOT power off your
1. Print a Configuration sheet. Keep this page for future reference. For
directions on doing this, reference the section labeled Before you
2. If your Xerox DocuPrint N17 printer’s User Interface displays
“Ready” go to step 3. If a previous download attempt was not
successful and your printer is not “Ready”, power the printer “Off”
then "ON" while pressing button 1 and button 5 simultaneously.
Continue pressing these two keys until the User Interface displays:
"Entering... Download Mode"
3. To send the upgrade file to the printer:
An OS/2 user should open a command prompt.
A Windows (95/NT/3.1x) user should run from DOS or run a DOS
session. For speed, it is recommended to exit Windows 3.1x and run
from DOS.
The format for the mode command is as follows:
mode <port>:,,p [RETURN] (two commas following the colon)
Note: This format is not valid under Windows NT.
The format for the copy command is as follows:
copy </b> <filename> <port>[RETURN]
</b> = binary file
<port> = the parallel port to which the printer is connected (LPT1:,
LPT2:, etc.)
<filename> = the path and name of the upgrade file
Ex: copy /b <filename> LPT1:
4. Wait until User Interface displays "Download Passed… Please