Clearing paper misfeeds and jams
Troubleshooting Guide
8. Discard any pages sent to the sample tray or unused stacker
tray when the paper jam was detected.
NOTE: If the 4635/180 IPS does not continue printing after a
paper tray fault or after paper is loaded, lower then raise the tray.
The system should resume printing.
Frequent misfeeds
Frequent misfeeds may be caused by a glazed feed belt. A
glazed belt is the most common cause of one tray misfeeding
more than another tray when the same kind of paper is used.
(Glazing is
caused by a buildup of the chemicals found on most papers.)
If you suspect that the belt is glazed, try cleaning it with film
remover that is obtained from your service representative.
Clean the feed belt only to correct misfeeds, not as routine
maintenance. Because the belt is rubber, frequent cleaning dries
it out and makes it fail prematurely.
1. Clear any misfeeds that have occurred, but do not latch the
paper feeder assembly. If necessary, unlatch it by pressing
down on the bright green lever on the right side of the paper