Adobe PageMaker 6.5 for Mac OS and Windows
If your document contains RGB placed images or colors defined in RGB that will not
be separated to process colors, choose RGB Source and Rendering Style settings in the
Print Features dialog box. Choose any other DocuColor 40 CP print options you wish.
When you click Print from any of the PageMaker 6.5 dialog boxes the job is sent to the
DocuColor 40 CP. You do not see the printer driver dialog boxes described in
Chapter 4.
Assigning ICC profiles to RGB images
When you place a non-EPS RGB image (such as a TIFF, JPEG, or GIF image), you
can specify an ICC source profile and a rendering intent for the image. You can assign
a unique rendering intent to each image you import.
When you use this feature, PageMaker controls the color conversion of the RGB
images (using the specified ICC profiles) and sends CMYK data to the
DocuColor 40 CP. The CMYK data produced by these conversions is not separated
for offset press standards; therefore you should set the CMYK Simulation print option
to None (see “CMYK Simulation” on page 2-10). The RGB Source and Rendering
Style settings have no effect on these images.