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Summary of Contents for DocuColor 242

Page 1: ...Hizli Kullanim Kilavuzu DocuColor 242 252 260 701P46019 2007...

Page 2: ...markalar ya da tescilli ticari markalar d r Sabit diskte bir sorun varsa makinedeki sabit diske kaydedilmi veriler kaybolabilir Xerox bu gibi veri kay plar n n neden oldu u hasarlardan do rudan veya...

Page 3: ...izli Kullanim Kilavuzu indekiler Kontrol Paneli Saya lar Raporlar Basit A Tarama Kitap k Olu turma Basit Kopyalama 3 5 9 13 15 17 Sistem Y neticisi Men s Genel Bak 19 Denetleyici 23 Ka t ve Ortam Y kl...

Page 4: ...unmatik Ekran Dokunmatik ekran programlanabilir zelliklerin t m n se ebilmenizi sa lar Ayr ca ar za giderme i lemlerini ve makineyle ilgili genel bilgileri de g r nt ler Makine Durumu Dokunmatik ekran...

Page 5: A Kapat Makinenin varsay lan de erlerini ayarlamak i in kullan lan Sistem Y neticisi men s ne ifre korumal eri im sa lar Kes ncelikli bir i in yap labilmesini sa lamak i in mevcut kopyalama i ini g...

Page 6: ...DocuColor 242 252 260 DocuColor 242 252 260 Hizli Kullanim Kilavuzu Basit Kopyalama 1 Dok manlar y kleyin 2 Hizmetler d mesine bas n...

Page 7: ...nk Tek Renk K rm z Siyah K rm z 2 Tarafl Kopyalama Orijinal T r A k Koyu Otomatik Ka t Kopyalama Miktar G r nt Kalitesi D zen Ayarlama kt Format Birle tirme Genel Ayarlar Otomatik Ka t 1 2 3 4 1 1 Tar...

Page 8: ...DocuColor 242 252 260 DocuColor 242 252 260 Hizli Kullanim Kilavuzu Basit Kopyalama 4 Miktar Girin 5 Ba lat a bas n...

Page 9: ...260 Hizli Kullanim Kilavuzu Basit Kopyalama 6 Kuyrukta i inizi belirleyin Ge erli ve Bekleyen ler Bekliyor leniyor Taran yor Tamamlanan ler Yazd rma Bekliyor leniyor Yazd rma Yazd rma Durumu T m ler S...

Page 10: ...bir kitap k ortaya kacak ekilde se ti iniz kopya ka d zerine do ru s rada yazd racakt r kt Format sekmesini se in 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 Ka t Besleme K lt B y t kt Rengi Kopya kt s D z 100 Otomatik 17...

Page 11: ...mesini se n 2 Kitap k Olu turma Sayfa D zeni kt Format Kapal 1 er Sayfa Ek A klama Kapal Poster Kimlik Kart Kopyalama Kapaklar Kapal Asetat Ay r c lar Ay r c Yok Kapak Yok Sekme Kenar Bo lu u Kayd Fi...

Page 12: ...on lem Yok Katlanm Katlanm ve Z mbalanm Bu zelliklere Kitap k Olu turma ekran ndaki Katlama ve Z mbalama d mesine dokunarak eri ebilirsiniz 3 kt y B l A k Kapal Kitap k Olu turma Kapal A k Kitap k Olu...

Page 13: ...niz Kitap klar n z olu turmak i in uygun d meleri se in Soldan ciltli stten ciltli ya da sa dan ciltli kitap klar olu turabilirsiniz Uygun giri i se tikten sonra Kaydet d mesine bas n 4 5 kt y B l A k...

Page 14: ...lama A Tarama T m Hizmetler A Tarama 2 Tarafl Orijinaller kt Format Renk Siyah Gri Tonlama 1 Tarafl 2 Tarafl 2 Tarafl 2 Taraf D nd r Orijinal T r Metin ve Foto raf Foto raf Metin n Ayarlar Payla mak Y...

Page 15: ...m ler Saklanan Dok manlar Bekleyen leri Yazd r kt Rengi Otomatik Alg lama D zen Ayarlama A Tarama T m Hizmetler A Tarama 2 Tarafl Orijinaller kt Format Renk Siyah Gri Tonlama 1 Tarafl 2 Tarafl 2 Taraf...

Page 16: ...Rapor Yazd r Sarf Malzemeler Ar zalar Kapat Saya Yazd rma Raporu Liste Raporlar Yazd rma Rapor Listesi ekran nda ok say da kullan l rapor bulunmaktad r Yazd rma Raporu Listesi ekran na eri mek i in a...

Page 17: G r nt lenen raporlardan birini yazd rmak i in dokunmatik ekrandaki ilgili d meye dokunun ve kontrol panelindeki Ba lat d mesine bas n NOT Kullan labilen raporlar makinenizin yap land rmas na g re...

Page 18: ...r Saya lar zelli i makine kullan m ve faturalama bilgilerine ula man z sa lar Saya lar makine yap land rman za ve ayarlar na g re de i ir 2 Saya Rapor Yazd r sekmesini se in Makine Durumu Saya Rapor Y...

Page 19: ...ama l olarak e itli saya lar ve makine seri numaras n g rebilirler Saya lar konusu burada sona eriyor Kapat Seri Numaras Saya Makine Durumu Ekran Saya lar UGW22222 Renkli Bask lar 5608 7209 1601 Topl...

Page 20: zerindeki Oturum A Kapat d mesine bas n 2 Varsay lan Sistem Y neticisi Oturum A ma Kimli ini 11111 girmek i in say sal tu tak m n kullan n Dokunmatik ekranda Onay a dokunun NOT 11111 fabrika varsay...

Page 21: ...ilmemeleri ya da bozulmamalar i in ekranlar ifre korumal d r Bu ara lar a a dakileri ger ekle tirmek i in kullanabilirsiniz lk ayarlar ve sistem yap land rmas n kurmak Fabrika ayarlar n ya da varsay l...

Page 22: ...t Kaseti znitelikleri ayarlar na eri mesini sa lar Sistem Ayarlar men s y neticilerin Ortak Ayarlar Kopyalama Modu Ayarlar Tarama Modu Ayarlar ve A Denetleyici Ayarlar alt men lerine eri mesini sa la...

Page 23: na eri me ve bu ayarlar etkinle tirme olana tan r Sistem Y neticisi Ayarlar men s y neticilerin Oturum A ma Kimli i Sistem Y netici Giri Kodu ve Maksimum Oturum A ma Denemesi ayarlar na eri mesini...

Page 24: ...aydeder Denetleyiciyi a a daki ama larla devreye sokabilirsiniz En fazla 1000 kullan c hesab n olu turmak de i tirmek ve silmek Kopyalama zelli ine eri imi kontrol etmek Tarama zelli ine eri imi kontr...

Page 25: ...yici Modu d mesine dokunun Bu konu Ara lara Genel Bak n sonudur 1 2 3 Kapat Sistem Ayarlar Ayarlar Men s Oturum A ma Ayar Denetleyici Y netimi Sistem Ayarlar Sistem Y neticisi Ayarlar Kapat Oturum A m...

Page 26: ...ekir 2 T m Hizmetler ekran ndaki Ayarlar Men s d mesine bas n Ard ndan Ka t Kaseti znitelikleri d mesine bas n Dokunmatik ekrandan uygun kaseti se in ve Ayarlar De i tir d mesine bas n 3 Sistem Y neti...

Page 27: ...kaset se ip Ayarlar De i tir d mesine bast n zda Ka t Boyutu Ka t T r ve Oto Ka t Se me se eneklerini de i tirebilirsiniz eler Ka t Kaseti znitelikleri Kapat Ge erli Ayarlar Ayarlar De i tir 1 Kaset...

Page 28: ...tine yerle tirdi iniz tam ka t boyutunu belirtmenizi sa lar Y kledi iniz ka t i in X ve Y boyutlar n n de erini de i tirmek zere dokunmatik ekrandaki ok tu lar n kullanabilirsiniz Ka t Boyutu bilgisin...

Page 29: ...nak tan r Beyaz Di er Ka t T r se imleri burada g sterilmektedir Ka t T r se imini ve varsa Ka t Rengi se imi yapt ktan sonra Kaydet d mesine dokunun Kaydet Ka t T r 1 Kaset Ka t T r Ka t Boyutu Geri...

Page 30: ...zaman n ge ti inden emin olun Aksi takdirde makinenin baz par alar na dokundu unuzda yanabilirsiniz 2 Kartu u karmadan nce zemine ka t serin Bu fazla tonerin ka d n st ne d k lmesini sa lar Mesajda re...

Page 31: ...bir t klama sesi duyana kadar hizalayarak tak n 8 n Kapa kapat n Kapak tam kapanm yorsa kartu un kilitli konumda oldu undan ve toner kartu unun do ru yere tak ld ndan emin olun D KKAT D k len toneri t...

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Page 33: ...Guide d utilisation rapide DocuColor 242 252 260 701P46019 2007...

Page 34: ...n cas de d faillance du disque dur de la machine les donn es enregistr es sur celui ci seront perdues Xerox ne peut en aucun cas tre tenu responsable des dommages direct ou indirects r sultant de la p...

Page 35: ...le des mati res Panneau de commande Compteurs de facturation Relev s Proc dure standard de num risation r seau Cr ation cahier Proc dure standard de copie 3 5 9 13 15 17 Param tres syst me 19 Auditron...

Page 36: ...t de programmer les fonctions requises Il indique galement les instructions de r solution des incidents et les informations g n rales concernant la machine tat de la machine Cette touche permet d affi...

Page 37: ...ur acc der au menu d administration syst me utilis pour d finir le param trage par d faut de la machine Interruption Cette touche permet d interrompre momentan ment le travail de copie en cours pour e...

Page 38: ...DocuColor 242 252 260 DocuColor 242 252 260 Guide d utilisation rapide Proc dure standard de copie 1 Mettre les documents en place 2 Appuyer sur la touche Services...

Page 39: ...ouge Noir Rouge Mode tirage Type de document Densit Papier auto Copie Quantit Qualit image Mise en page Pr sentation sp ciale Assemblage documents Param tres g n raux Papier auto 1 2 3 4 1 1 Les fonct...

Page 40: ...DocuColor 242 252 260 DocuColor 242 252 260 Guide d utilisation rapide Proc dure standard de copie 4 Entrer le nombre d exemplaires voulu 5 Appuyer sur Marche...

Page 41: ...tifier le travail dans la file Travaux en cours et en attente En attente Traitement en cours Num risation en cours Travaux termin s Impression en cours En attente Traitement en cours Impression en cou...

Page 42: s lectionn de mani re former un cahier une fois le tirage pli S lectionnez l onglet Pr sentation sp ciale 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 Papier R duire Agrandir Mode couleur R ception Standard 100 Auto...

Page 43: ...ise en page Pr sentation D sactiv e 1 en 1 Annotation D sactiv e Affiche Copie carte d identit Couvertures D sactiv e S parateurs de transparen Aucun s parateur Aucune couverture D calage intercalaire...

Page 44: ...iage et agrafage L acc s ces options s effectue via la touche Option de pliage et agrafage de l cran de cr ation de cahier 3 Division activ D sactiv e Cr ation cahier D sactiv e Activ e Cr er le cahie...

Page 45: pour cr er vos cahiers Vous pouvez cr er des cahier reli s gauche en haut ou droite Lorsque vous avez termin vos s lections appuyez sur la touche Enregistrer 4 5 Division activ D sactiv e Cr ation...

Page 46: Mise en page Num risation r seau Tous services Num risation r seau Documents recto verso Pr sentation sp ciale Couleur Noir chelle de gris Recto Recto verso Recto verso T te b che Type document T...

Page 47: ...en cours Impression en cours tats des travaux Tous les travaux Documents m moris s Imprimer travaux en attente Mode couleur D tection auto Mise en page Num risation r seau Tous services Num risation r...

Page 48: ...t Imprime Consommables Incidents Fermer Compteur de facturation Imprimer un relev et ou Relev s L cran Imprimer un relev et ou une liste permet d imprimer plusieurs types de relev s tr s utiles Suivez...

Page 49: ...Pour imprimer l un des relev s affich s appuyez sur la touche correspondante sur l cran tactile puis sur la touche Marche du panneau de commande REMARQUE Les relev s disponibles d pendent de la config...

Page 50: ...d acc der aux donn es d utilisation et de facturation de la machine Les compteurs disponibles varient selon la configuration et le param trage de la machine 2 S lectionnez l onglet Compteur fact Impr...

Page 51: de la machine des fins de suivi Vous savez d sormais comment utiliser les compteurs de facturation Fermer Num ro de s rie Compteur de facturation cran tat de la machine Compteurs UGW22222 Impressio...

Page 52: 1 Appuyez sur la touche Acc s du panneau de commande 2 Entrez l ID de connexion de l administrateur syst me par d faut savoir 11111 l aide du pav num rique S lectionnez Confirmer sur l cran tactil...

Page 53: mot de passe de mani re viter toute modification ou alt ration accidentelle Utilisez ces outils pour configurer les param tres initiaux et d finir la configuration syst me modifier les r glages par...

Page 54: ...magasin Le menu Param tres syst me permet l administrateur d acc der aux sous menus Param tres communs Param tres du mode Copie Param tres du mode Num risation et Param tres du contr leur r seau Ferme...

Page 55: ...figuration connexion Le menu Param tres administrateur syst me permet d acc der aux options d ID de connexion Code d acc s administrateur syst me et Nbre maximum de tentatives de connexion Fermer R gl...

Page 56: ...utilisation Activez l Auditron pour effectuer les op rations suivantes Cr er modifier et supprimer jusqu 1 000 comptes utilisateur Contr ler l acc s aux fonctions de copie Contr ler l acc s aux fonct...

Page 57: ...sentation de l Auditron est pr sent termin e 1 2 3 Fermer Param tres syst me Menu Configuration Configuration connexion Gestion Auditron Param tres syst me R glages administrateur syst me Fermer Conf...

Page 58: ...ration dans l cran Tous les services puis s lectionnez la touche Attributs de magasin S lectionnez ensuite le magasin appropri puis la touche Modifier les param tres 3 Acc dez au menu d administration...

Page 59: de la touche Modifier les param tres vous pouvez modifier le format ou le type de papier ainsi que les options de s lection automatique du papier l ments Attributs de magasin Fermer Param tres actu...

Page 60: ...r plac dans le magasin Vous pouvez utiliser les touches fl ch es de l cran tactile pour modifier les dimensions X et Y du papier plac dans le magasin Apr s avoir modifi les informations relatives au f...

Page 61: ...ypes de supports disponibles Enregistrer Type de papier Magasin 1 Type de papier Couleur support Recycl 64 104 g m pais 1 105 176 g m Standard 64 104 g m Annuler 1 2 pais 1 verso Standard verso tiquet...

Page 62: ...onsigne pour viter tout risque de br lure lors du remplacement de la cartouche 2 talez du papier sur le sol avant de retirer la cartouche usag e Du toner risque en effet de se renverser lors de cette...

Page 63: ...e la cartouche avec celles de l imprimante Un clic vous indique que la cartouche est correctement install e 8 Fermez le panneau avant Si vous avez du mal refermer le panneau avant v rifiez que la cart...

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Page 65: ...DocuColor 242 252 260 701P46019 2007...

Page 66: ...n Novell NetWare IntranetWare NDS Novell Inc Adobe Acrobat PostScript PostScript3 PostScript Adobe Systems Incorporated Apple AppleTalk EtherTalk LocalTalk Macintosh MacOS TrueType Apple Computer Inc...

Page 67: ...3 5 9 13 15 17 19 23 25 29 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 68: ...1 2 3 4 12 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 69: ...5 6 7 11 12 10 9 8 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 70: ...1 2 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 71: ...3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 100 17 11 64 8 5 11 129 25 2 1 2 3 4 1 1 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 72: ...4 5 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

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Page 74: ...1 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 100 17 11 64 8 5 11 129 25 2 1 2 3 4 1 1 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 75: ...2 1 ID DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 76: ...3 2 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 77: ...4 5 2 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 78: ...1 3 2 2 1 2 2 OCR Bill s Template Jane s 11 x 17 J Doe Photo Template 5 Jane s Template Special Orders scan on server very Bill DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 79: ...4 5 6 2 1 2 2 OCR Bill s Template Jane s 11 x 17 J Doe Photo Template 5 Jane s Template Special Orders scan on server very Bill DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 80: ...1 2 3 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

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Page 82: ...1 2 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 83: ...UGW22222 5608 7209 1601 3 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 84: ...2 1 2 ID 11111 11111 ID ID 11111 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

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Page 87: ...ID ID DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

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Page 89: ...ID 1 2 3 ID 11111 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 90: ...1 2 3 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 91: ...1 2 3 4 6 5 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 92: ...X Y 1 8 0 8 0 7 2 17 0 7 2 17 0 1 Riciclata 64 104 g m Carta pesante 1 105 176 g m Standard 64 105 g m 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 Etichette 1 105 176 g m 2 2 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 93: ...1 Riciclata 64 104 g m Carta pesante 1 105 176 g m Standard 64 105 g m 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 Etichette 1 105 176 g m 2 2 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

Page 94: ...1 2 3 4 DocuColor 242 252 260 K DocuColor 242 252 260...

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Page 97: ...Quick Use Guide DocuColor 242 252 260 701P46019 2007...

Page 98: ...The data saved in the hard disk of the machine may be lost if there is any problem in the hard disk Xerox is not responsible for any direct and indirect damages arising from or caused by such data lo...

Page 99: ...k Use Guide Table of Contents Control Panel Billing Meters Reports Simple Network Scanning Booklet Creation Simple Copying 3 5 9 13 15 17 System Administrator Menu Overview 19 Auditron 23 Loading Pape...

Page 100: ...creen The touch screen allows you to select all the available programming features It also displays fault clearance procedures and general machine information Machine Status Displays the current statu...

Page 101: ...ut Provides password protected access to the System Administration menu used to adjust the defaults of the machine Interrupt Temporarily stops the current copy job to allow a priority job to be run St...

Page 102: ...DocuColor 242 252 260 DocuColor 242 252 260 Quick Use Guide Simple Copying 1 Load the documents 2 Press the Services button...

Page 103: ...Red Black Red 2 Sided Copying Original Type Lighten Darken Auto Paper Copy Quantity Image Quality Layout Adjustment Output Format Job Assembly General Settings Auto Paper 1 2 3 4 1 1 Sided The featur...

Page 104: ...DocuColor 242 252 260 DocuColor 242 252 260 Quick Use Guide Simple Copying 4 Enter the Quantity 5 Press Start...

Page 105: ...260 Quick Use Guide Simple Copying 6 Identify your job in the Queue Current and Pending Jobs Pending Processing Scanning Completed Jobs Printing Pending Processing Printing Printing Job Status All Jo...

Page 106: ...ected copy paper so that a booklet is created when the copy set is folded in half Select the Output Format tab 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 Paper Supply Reduce Enlarge Output Colour Copy Output Plain 100 Aut...

Page 107: ...eation button 2 Booklet Creation Page Layout Output Format Off 1 Up Annotation Off Poster ID Card Copying Covers Off Transparency Separators No Separators No Covers Tab Margin Shift Watermark Output O...

Page 108: ...inishing Folded Folded and Stapled These features are accessed by touching the Fold and Staple Options button on the Booklet Creation screen 3 Divide Output On Off Booklet Creation Off On Create Bookl...

Page 109: ...screen Select the appropriate buttons to create your booklets You can create left bound top bound or right bound booklets When you have selected the appropriate input select Save 4 5 Divide Output On...

Page 110: ...yout Adjustment Network Scanning All Services Network Scanning 2 Sided Originals Output Format Colour Black Grayscale 1 Sided 2 Sided 2 Sided Rotate Side 2 Original Type Text and Photo Photo Text Pres...

Page 111: ...Job Status All Jobs Stored Documents Print Waiting Jobs Output Colour Auto Detect Layout Adjustment Network Scanning All Services Network Scanning 2 Sided Originals Output Format Colour Black Grayscal...

Page 112: Meter Print Repo Consumables Faults Close Billing Meter Print Report List Reports A variety of useful reports are available on the Print Report List screen Perform the steps below to access the Pri...

Page 113: ...nt any of the reports shown simply touch the corresponding report button on the touch screen then press the Start button on the control panel NOTE The reports available will differ depending on your m...

Page 114: ...eters feature provides access to machine usage and billing information The meters vary depending on your machine configuration and setup 2 Touch the Billing Meter Print Report tab Machine Status Billi...

Page 115: ...s and machine serial number for tracking purposes This completes the Billing Meters topic Close Serial Number Billing Meter Machine Status Screen Counters UGW22222 Colour Impressions 5608 7209 1601 To...

Page 116: 1 Press the Log In Out button on the control panel 2 Use the number keypad to enter the default System Administrator Login ID 11111 Touch Confirm on the touch screen NOTE 11111 is the factory set...

Page 117: ...e machine so the screens are password protected so that they cannot be accidentally changed or corrupted Use these tools to Set up the initial settings and system configuration Change the factory sett...

Page 118: ...s to access the Paper Tray Attributes settings The System Settings menu allows administrators to access submenus for Common Settings Copy Mode Settings Scan Mode Settings and Network Controller Settin...

Page 119: Setup Passcode Entry and Login Setup The System Administrator Settings menu allows administrators to access options for the Login ID System Administrator Passcode and the Maximum Login Attempts set...

Page 120: ...ade for each user account and controls the access and use of the printer copier Enable Auditron to Create change and delete up to 1000 user accounts Control access to copy features Control access to s...

Page 121: ...the Login Setup Auditron Mode button This completes the Auditron Overview 1 2 3 Close System Settings Setup Menu Login Setup Auditron Administration System Settings System Administrator Settings Clos...

Page 122: ...tton on the All Services screen Then touch the Paper Tray Attributes button Select the appropriate tray on the touch screen then touch the Change Settings button 3 Access the System Administration men...

Page 123: tray once you pick a tray and touch the Change Settings button you can change the Paper Size Paper Type and Auto Paper Select options Items Paper Tray Attributes Close Current Settings Change Setti...

Page 124: ...ct size of the paper you load into the paper tray You can use the arrow buttons on the touch screen to change the X and Y dimension values for the paper you load After you have changed your Paper Size...

Page 125: ...available paper types Save Paper Type Tray 1 Paper Type Paper Colour Recycled 64 104 g n Heavyweight 1 105 176 g m Plain 64 105 g m Cancel 1 2 Heavyweight 1 Side 2 Plain Side 2 Labels 1 105 176 g m He...

Page 126: ...Failure to do so may result in burns if certain parts of the machine are touched 2 Lay paper on the floor before removing the cartridge This will allow any excess toner to fall on the paper Hold the h...

Page 127: ...rtridge evenly with the printer until you hear a click 8 Close the Front Door If the door will not close completely make sure the cartridge is in the lock position and the toner cartridge is installed...

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