Dry ink
Dry ink is the black powder which forms the image on the
printed page. There are three cartridges of dry ink in each
container. At least one container needs to be ordered and kept
on hand at all times. The throw-away cartridges are changed
easily by the operator with no mess. The consumption rate of
dry ink is approximately one cartridge per 45,000 pages. Use
only dry ink that is specified for use in your LPS.
Refer to the “Consumable supplies” table in the “Postinstallation”
chapter for information on how to order dry ink after initial
Fuser lubricant
Fuser lubricant is a consumable item required by the LPS. At
least one box (two tubes) needs to be ordered and kept on hand
for installation by the service representative. The consumption
rate of fuser lubricant is approximately one tube per 100,000
pages. The system holds up to three tubes when full and is
refilled to capacity during each service call.
Refer to the “Consumable supplies” table in the “Postinstallation”
chapter for information on how to order fuser lubricant after
initial installation.
Xerox developer has an effective life of approximately 500,000
pages per container. (Xerox developer is warrantied by Xerox for
300,000 pages.) Developer also needs to be ordered and kept
on hand. It is changed by a service representative. Use only
developer specified for use in your LPS.
Refer to the “Consumable supplies” table in the “Postinstallation”
chapter for information on how to order developer after initial
Floppy disks
Floppy disks are optional items that provide loading and backup
of fonts, forms, and user files to and from the LPS system disk.
The LPS accepts 5.25 inch double-sided, dual density disks. Best
results are obtained with floppy disks that are not high-density or
Refer to the “Consumable supplies“ table in the “Postinstallation”
chapter for information on how to order floppy disks after initial
Stitcher wire
Stitcher wire is a consumable item for an LPS with the
stitcher/stacker option. Stitcher wire reels need to be ordered
and kept on hand. They are installed by your service
representative or ACT-trained operators.
Refer to the “Training” section of this chapter for information on
training operators and the “Consumable supplies” table in the