When users configure Wifi password, could set login password as same as
2.4G WIFI Password
1. Red light and blue light are on then off: power on
2. Red light on steady: device power on and during start.
3. Red light flash slowly: device works but not connect to internet.
4. Red light on steady: device works and connected to internet.
5. Red light flash fast: WPS working
6. Blue light on steady: slave router pairing succeed, signal good,>=-75db
7. Blue light flash slow: slave router pairing succeed, signal weak,<-75db
8. Blue light flash fast: reset succeed.
9. Lan/WAN light: plug cable white light on, data transfer white light flash.
1. press reset, hold untill blue blink(around 20 seconds),meas reset to factory
2. press reset 1-3seconds, redlight blink: start WPS working.(WPS will work
for 120 seconds, then turn off automatically)