WiFi Manager
Insert WiFi equipment first, then search
available Enternet signal, input the
password to connect with network.
3G Network
Insert 3G dongle, the screen will display
the message
“3G Device plug in“
14 seconds and will auto connect 3G
Network. you’ll see picture like the below:
Press [EXIT] key to draw back from “TV
System” menu.
11.3 Ethernet Setting
Select your Network Type as Wired,
Wireless or 3G Dongle
By selecting Wireless, you can configure
Wi-Fi (wireless) as the following step:
Select Wireless on Default Network
Type item.
Press [red] button the wireless LAN
network list will appear, select Wi-Fi
network and press [OK] button, and
input the password.
Press [OK] button on Connect item to
start connecting.
In this menu you may assign a dynamic
IP address to the digital receiver. To do
so, select the DHCP On.
If you have a static IP address, unselect
the DHCP Enable, then the IP Address,
Subnet Mask, Gateway and DNS options
become enabled. You have to set these
options according to your IP address.