RC functions
RC functions
• Carefully push the left throttle lever rearward. Try to land „smooth“ without damaging the helicopter.
if the fl ight battery runs empty, the helicopter does not respond accurately to your com-
mands, the fl ight is unstable. In this case land immediately.
• Switch of the helicopter and then the transmitter.
Move the left throttle lever forward, the speed of the main blades increases and the helicopter rises. Move
the throttle stick back again to sink.
Move the right stick forward, the helicopter fl ies forward. Move the joystick backwards to fl y backwards.
Move the right stick to the left, the helicopter turns to the left. Move the joystick to the right to turn to the
Hoovers the helicopter in one direction, although the right joystick remains in the center position, this
can be compensated with the trim wheel on the upper right corner of the transmitter. Turn the trim wheel
against the direction of rotation of the helicopter until he is steady in the air.