Instruction Manual XC Tracer Maxx II
Rev 01 16.08.2022
XC Tracer Maxx II can display several predefined screens:
The predefined screens cannot be customized except in a very limited way, however it is possible to
define which screens should be displayed in flight.
This is the ideal screen if you don't want too much information displayed. The analogue vario
indicator shows you the climb/sink rate in weak thermals with a high resolution, but you can also
read the climb rate in strong thermals without any problems,
The digital vario shows the average climb rate, you can set the averaging time. The average climb
rate is also shown in the analogue vario display as a triangle which is not filled.
Height is height above sea level, or height above ground, or both.
Speed shows the speed over ground.
And the compass always shows you where north is. Please do not use this feature to fly in clouds or
in foggy conditions.