vibration syndromes, and other
While researchers are not yet able
to answer many questions about
MSDs, there is general agreement
that many factors may be linked to
their occurrence, including medical
and physical conditions, stress and
how one copes with it, overall
health, and how a person positions
and uses their body during work
and other activities (including
playing a video game). Some
studies suggest that the amount of
time a person performs an activity
may also be a factor.
Some guidelines that may help
you work and play more
comfortably and possibly reduce
your risk of experiencing an MSD
can be found in the Healthy
Gaming Guide (available at www.
xbox.com). These guidelines
address topics such as:
• Positioning yourself to use
comfortable, not awkward,
• Keeping your hands, fingers,
and other body parts relaxed.
• Taking breaks.
• Developing a healthy lifestyle.
If you have questions about how
your own lifestyle, activities, or
medical or physical condition may
be related to MSDs, see a
qualified health professional.