X8824r User’s Manual Version 1.0
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Privilege levels are defined by the SNMP communities
configured on the modem. A community is a named group of IP
addresses. These addresses identify the hosts that are
permitted to act as SNMP management stations for accessing
the MIB. Each community is defined as having either read-only
or read/write privileges.
The data stored in the MIB includes the standard items defined
for the SNMP protocol and custom items defined by the ISP.
The MIB contents are preconfigured by the ISP and cannot be
managed via the Web-based interface.
On the SNMP Configuration page, type a
community name
the empty text box in the left column of the table.
From the
column of the table, select the privileges
(read-only or read/write) to assign to all hosts that are part of
this community and then click
Add Comm
A page displays briefly to confirm your changes, and then the
SNMP Configuration page redisplays with the new entry.
Click on the
button when completed and make sure to
Commit & Reboot
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10.13 Parental Control
Click on the
Parental Control
link to block Internet access from
specified LAN hosts for specified periods.
Ensure that either the system time is specified directly or SNTP
is enabled.
In the table on the Parental Control page, enter the IP address
of the host you want to block from accessing the Internet.
Select the host name (and corresponding MAC address) from
the drop-down list. Host names and MAC addresses will display
in the list only when the hosts' IP addresses are distributed
from a DHCP server pool configured on the modem (and the
host has, in fact, been assigned a host name).
Select the beginning and ending times for the block to be in
effect for this host.
Click on the
button to add this entry to the table.