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PAtcH eXAmPles

Standard (post–fader) operation: When 
using your Praga and Hrad in a traditional 
setup, you can add two external effects (e.g. 
a reverb and delay) with the auxiliary chan-
nels (post–fader). Patch the 
aux send signal 
to your effect processor input, and patch its 
outputs back to the 
aux return pair. Now, 
you can decide on the amount of the effect 
being mixed to your audio via the correspond-
aux ret attenuator. By using additional 
modulation plugged into the 
aux cv you can 
dynamically control which parts of the audio 
will have the reverb or delay added to them.

Pre–fader operation: Split the signal going 
to an 
input in Praga, and feed a copy of it to 
the corresponding 
aux ins jack in Hrad (fig 
5). This will bypass the 
vol and VCA controls 
on Praga for your auxiliary send, which allows 
for pre–fader operation. In other words, you 

can have an effected portion of the signal au-
dible while the separate dry signal is turned 
down. You can even plug any other signal into 
that socket, and have additional sounds add-
ed (under CV control) to your effect bus.

AUX channel inserts: Take the vca out sig-
nal from a channel in Praga and process it 
through  an  additional  module  (e.g.  a  filter, 
or bit crusher), and plug the result into the 
aux ins input in Hrad (fig. 6). 
With this patch, you could have a reverb on 
high frequencies only, or distorted echos of the 
sounds that are clean in the main mix.

Extra stereo input: Sometimes you run out of 
input channels in Praga but don’t need more 
than one send effect. You can plug a mono or 
a stereo pair into the unused 
aux  return 
sockets, and its volume will be controlled by 
aux ret attenuator in Hrad. •

fig. 5

fig. 6

fx unit



