Damage to interior or exterior caused by improper cable routing, seatpost, rocks,
crashes or improper installation.
Oil changes or service not performed by X-Fusion or an Authorized Service Center.
Specific exclusions from this warranty shall include:
Parts replaced due to normal wear and tear and/or routine maintenance.
Parts subject to normal wear and tear and/or routine maintenance, such as bushings
and reducers, seals, and suspension fluids.
X-Fusion makes no other warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. All implied warranties
of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose which exceed the obligations and
time limits stated in this warranty are hereby disclaimed by X-Fusion and excluded from
this warranty.
Warranty Q and A
Q. What costs are my responsibility during the warranty period?
A. The customer is responsible for all costs of maintenance services, non-warranty repairs,
accident and collision damages, oil, seals, bushings and reducers, and mounting hardware.
Q. What are some examples of “abnormal” strain, neglect or abuse?
A. These terms are general and overlap each other in areas. Specific examples are: Hucking,
ghost riding, big drop, stunt/daredevil riding, riding with broken parts, riding without oil in
fork, too much preload, wrong spring rate, etc.
Q. Does the warranty cover incidental costs, such as shipping or transportation?
A. No. The warranty is limited to repair of materials and/or workmanship.