3.4.1 I_Meas: Current measurement
By default, I_Meas pin header is not assembled and solder bridge near the I_Meas jumper
SJ2 is connected.
The power LED is on the VDD line of the module and shows that the module is sourced. To
measure module power consumption and to disconnect the power LED, the resistor R4 shall
be desoldered.
If the module is sourced through the P3 connector, the current consumption of the module
can be measured on the I_Meas pin header. For this measurement, the solder bridge SJ2
shall be disconnected using a cutter and a current meter shall be connected to the I_Meas
pin header. For normal operation a jumper is set on the I_Meas pin header.
3.3V LDO Output
Table 15: Pin header I_Meas
Figure 8: Current measurement
By default the solder bridge SJ2 is connected. For power consumtion mea-
surement, the solder bridge shall be disconnected using a cutter and resisto
R4 shall be desoldered.
Current measurement using I_Meas jumper is possible only if the module is
powered through connector P3.
Mini evaluation board user manual version 1.3
© June 2021