User Manual
Camera setup parameters and filter range remain the same after re-powering on the camera. But they can be resumed to the factory
configured ones when needed.
Clicking button Yes or pressing “Menu” will exit the command.
Then a NUC is performed automatically. After NUC, all the parameters and
the filter range become the factory configured ones.
Clicking button No or pressing button C can give up the command.
To toggle between the buttons Yes and No, press button Ok or press button Left or Right. To select them respectively, click them with the
touch pen or press button M.
Click option Version under submenu “About” with the touch pen or press “Up” and “Down” to highlight it and press “Menu” to select. Then the
version of used M8 appears on the screen.
Infrared Video
General Information
The infrared video with temperature information taken by
can be transferred to PC via 2GB mini SD card or through USB2.0 for
further analysis by Guide IR software. The Infrared video function is displayed in the computer and controlled by the Guide IR Analyser. Before
the communication please install the USB driver and IR Analyser into your computer.
PC System Requirements
Operating system: Window 2000 or higher (IE5.0 or higher)
Software: Microsoft
Office 2000 or higher
Pentium 4 2.4G or Above
At least 512M
Others Independent
Using commands for infrared video analysis