8.2. Restoring Saved Parameters
Once menu selected parameters and the Password Directory have been saved, the parameters
file can be uploaded to the SRM to quickly configure the unit without the need to manually
enter each parameter and password. To restore saved parameters, proceed as follows:
When the "Upload Parameters" function is performed via modem, the SRM
will not immediately reset modem parameters. The unit will reset all other
parameters, wait for the caller to disconnect, and then reset modem parameters.
1. Start your communications program and access the SRM Command Mode via the Console
Port, or via modem using the System Password.
2. When the command prompt appears, type
and press
a) The Utilities Menu will appear. From the Utilities Menu, type
and press
The SRM will display a message which indicates that the unit is ready to receive the
parameters file.
b) Set your communications program to upload an ASCII text file using the file name
specified in Section 8.1. When the communications program is ready, begin the
upload procedure.
3. The saved parameters file will be sent to the SRM-100, and the saved parameters and
Password Directory will be restored. When the upload is complete, make certain to
terminate your communication program’s upload mode.
SRM-100 - Secure Rack Modem, User's Guide
Saving and Restoring Parameters and Password Directory