7.6.4. Default Parameters
This option allows the system administrator to reset the unit to default parameters
deleting the Password Directory. To clear all menu selected parameters except the Password
Directory, and return the SRM-100 to its default configuration, first access the Utilities Menu
as described in Section 7.6. When the Utilities menu appears, type
, press
, and
follow the instructions in the submenu.
• When the SRM-100 is reset to default parameters, all menu-selected parameters
will be cleared. Menu selected parameters cannot be recovered unless they have
been saved to an ASCII text file as described in Section 8.
• When the "Default Parameters" function is performed via modem, the SRM will
not immediately reset modem parameters. The unit will reset all other parameters,
wait for the caller to disconnect, and then reset modem parameters.
7.6.5. Send Test Message
This option allows the system administrator to send a test message via the Console Port or
telecommunications line. If the SRM Command Mode has been accessed via the Console Port,
the Test Message will be sent out the Console Port; if the Command Mode has been accessed
via modem, the Test Message will be sent via the telecommunications line.
This Test Message is used to test communication with a remote device that has accessed the
SRM Command Mode via modem, or to test communication with the local device connected to
the Console Port. To send the Test Message, proceed as follows:
1. Access the SRM Command Mode as described in Section 5.1.
2. When the "SRM>" command prompt appears, type
and press
. The Utilities
Menu will appear as shown in Figure 7.2.
3. From the Utilities Menu, type
and press
a) If you have accessed the SRM Command Mode via the Console Port, the Test
Message will then be sent out the Console Port.
b) If you have accessed the SRM Command Mode via modem, the Test Message will
then be sent out the telecommunications line.
4. To terminate the Test Message, press the
7.6.6. Upload Parameters
This function is used to restore SRM parameters that have been saved to an ASCII text file
using the Utilities Menu's "Download Parameters" function. To restore saved SRM parameters,
please refer to the instructions in Section 8.2.
SRM-100 - Secure Rack Modem, User's Guide