the temperature sensor from SM-Modellbau.
The temperature control is ideal to monitor the drive battery or the motor temperature.
Setup 11
allows the setting of a temperature threshold in steps of 5°C in the range from 5°C up to 125°C.
When the threshold is surpassed, an alarm tone will sound and the temperature is announced. The alarm will
be repeated at any further step of 5°C.
A manual request can be triggered at any time by a brief switchover into the standby mode.
Failsafe Announcement
A failsafe warning is possible provided that the R/C receiver contains such an option (usually in “IPD”- and
PCM-receivers). In such a case, the failsafe setting of the receiver channel controlling the vario is set at a
servo travel of over 100 %. The CS DataVario will detect this pulse length and generate the voice output
“failsafe”. ( Refer to chapter 6.1)
Flight Time or Motor Run Time (respectively)
A flight timer can be activated in Setup 5, #2. This timer starts with the vario start-up and is automatically
reset to zero as soon as the airplane leaves a +/- 10m window around the take-off altitude.
The timer is announced together with the set of other values which are announced when the standby mode
is selected. Thus a timer reading is possible at any time.
The timer value is also stored and announced as the first voice output during a following vario start-up.
If the electric model mode is selected (Setup 9, #5), the timer is automatically operating as a motor timer.
The measurement is started when a motor current above 3 A is detected and stopped when the current falls
below 3 A.
10 Max-/min-value Storage
Independant from the data logger feature, the following max-min-values are stored in a non-volatile memory:
Standard is:
the maximum altitude and minimum voltage of the receiver battery,
When operating with the GPS module or the pitot-tube-speed sensor in addition:
the maximum speed
When operating with the sensor interface and the current sensor:
the values as selected in Setup 9 (current, consumed capacity, climb altitude)
When operating with the sensor interface and the temperature sensor:
the maximum temperature.
10.1 Stored Data Announcement during Vario Start-up
Immediately after start-up, the values of the preceding flight are announced, for example: “Maximum 223
meters” “186 k m h” “Minimum 4.72 volts”
The values remain in the memory during the start-up phase. After its termination (approx. 5 sec) the values
are deleted.
The announcement can be stopped immediately by switching to another operating mode.
The summarized climb altitude and the summarized capacity allow straightforward conclusions about the
drive systrem efficiency.
When the electric model mode is selected additional values are announced, see chapter 8.
11 Data Logger
The data logger feature is a novelty in the CS DataVario and allows the automatic data storage for later
evaluation on a PC.
The vario contains a so-called black box which can store the data of a whole flying season with some 1,000
flights at 3 hours each on a 1 GB memory card.
The data logger registers at a rate of 1 second (but not during announcements) the following data on a
Micro-SD-card in CSV-format.
Example for one set of data:
The figures separated by the semicolon represent the following values: