1.1 Important Information
The following key points should have been taken into consideration when the plant
was speci
ed and sized using the latest version of the British Water Flows and Loads. To
maintain e
cient performance of the Diamond plant, the following should be noted and
also considered if there are any changes to the property in the future:
WASTE DISPOSAL UNITS (WDU) – The Diamond plant should have been sized taking into
account the use of a WDU in the property (if there is one installed) as it increases biological
loading. ADVICE – It is advisable to limit the use of the WDU to ensure the plant operates
ciently. Raw or uncooked foods should not be put through the WDU and ideally
disposed of in a composter. If the use of a WDU was not included in the sizing of the plant
then it is advised that the WDU is not used or installed subsequently in the property.
WATER SOFTENERS – The Diamond plant should never be connected to a property using a
water softener as the salt will signi
cantly reduce the performance of the plant. ADVICE –
Never use a Water Softener with a Diamond plant. If the use of a Water Softener is present
in the property then it is advised that the Water Softener is disconnected. The use of a
Magnetic or Electric Scale Reducer may be an alternative to a Water Softener as long as it
does not use salt or chemicals but homeowners are advised to seek the advice of a specialist.
SURFACE RUN-OFF/STORMWATER – The Diamond plant should never be connected to
guttering and drainage collecting stormwater and/or surface water run-o
from hard
standings and surfaces. ADVICE – Surface/stormwater should always be discharged to a
storm drain which is excluded from the wastewater stream from the property.
LAUNDRY – The Diamond plant should have been sized taking into account the actual
laundry carried out at the property as the laundry detergents/chemicals e
ect the
performance of the plant. ADVICE – Changes to the amount of laundry or the type/number
of washing machines in use may a
ect the performance of the plant. Contact WPL for
advice if there are any changes planned.
SWIMMING POOLS/HOT TUBS – The Diamond plant should never be connected to
swimming pools, hot tubs etc. as they will contain chlorine which will signi
cantly reduce
the performance of the plant. ADVICE – Consider separate treatment or disposal of
backwash waters from ancillary equipment such as types or
ltration and disinfectant
removal in pools and hot tubs.
GREASE FROM KITCHENS – The Diamond plant should be protected from grease and fats
if installed in a property or commercial premises where catering is provided.
ADVICE – All commercial catering applications require the installation of adequately sized
grease separators, removal or retention systems up-stream of the Diamond plant and it is
advisable to check that this provision has been made prior to installing the
Diamond plant.
CONDENSING BOILERS – Discharge from condensing boilers . ADVICE - Should ideally be
connected to a soakaway if possible.