Updating Network Settings
Check that your watch is turned on and the device is connected to mobile network. Send
a text message from your mobile phone to the SIM card in your device in the following
form based on the mobile provider you use. Note that these codes apply to the Czech
mobile network.
Wait one minute after sending this text message and then restart your device by
sending following text message to the SIM card in your device: pw,123456,reset#
After sending the reset message, wait until your device automatically restarts. Check the
FAQ section of this manual to check the settings of your device
(part “APN settings are
Note: If you use a different mobile provider, you have to find your providers settings on
your SIM card. Easiest way is to check what mobile network your provider uses. Most of
smaller Czech mobile providers use networks of one of the big providers shown above.
If you cannot find this information, you can either directly check settings of the SIM card
after putting it into your phone. This method is available only to Android phones. Look
for APN name, MCC and MNC in mobile network settings. You can also search the
website of your mobile provider for APN name, MCC and MNC.
Afterwards, you can send a text message to the SIM card in your watch in the following
form. Substitute
figures to your values: pw,123456,apn,