3. Quick plug of maximum welding current.
4. Quick plug of intermediate welding current.
5. Quick plug of common welding current.
[WorkInG as Generator]
In this function, the selector (1) must be on position « GeNeRATOR » and current selector (2) must indi-
cate the maximum value. This way it is possible to use the single phase sockets mounted on the panel.
[WorkInG as ac current WeLDer]
In this function, the selector (1) is on position « WeLDeR ». For electrodes having diameters equal
or lower than 3,2 mm, the welding cables must be connected to plugs (4) and (5). With current range
selector (2), it is possible to set the most suitable value according to the used electrode.(see the spe-
cifications of current for each generator).
5.4. front WeLDInG paneL "arc ex "
1. “Function / Range of current” selector,
graded in Amperes.
2. “Precise current” selector, graded in
3. Quick plug of (+) welding.
4. Quick plug of (-) welding.
startInG of the set (DrIVe Motor
anD aLternator/WeLDer)
During every start, selector (1) must be on
position « GeNeRATOR START » to guarantee
the alternator self-energizing.
Before starting the engine, the selector of range
must be on position “GENERATOR START”. If this
procedure is not respected, the generator won’t deli-
ver any current.
[WorkInG as aLternator]
In this function, selector (1) must be on position “
” to allow to use of the sockets
mounted on the rear panel. The output voltage of the alternator is electronically regulated to grant very
good performances either with three phase or single phase connection.