Wrong model can result in engine damage.
1. Remove the spark plug cap, and clean any dirt from
around the spark plug base.
2. Use the plug wrench to remove the spark plug.
3. Measure the plug gap with a feeler gauge. If the
electrode or insulatoris damaged, replace the spark
plug. Correct as necessary by carefully bending the
side electrode. The gap should be: 0.70-0.80 mm.
4. Check if the spark plug gasket is in good condition.
In order to avoid damage to the thread in the cylinder
head, screw in the spark plug carefully by hand.
5. Once the spark plug has touched the washer, screw
it down by a spark plug wrench and compress the
If a new spark plug is used, make 1/2 turn more
after compressing the gasket.
If reinstalling the used spark plug, just make 1/8-
1/4 turn more.
6. Install the spark plug cap.
Spark Plug
Socket Wrench
Spark Plug
13.4. fUEL sEdiMENt cUp cLEANiNg
1. Turn the fuel valve to the OFF position. Remove the
sediment cup, o-ring and strainer according to the
arrow direction.
2. Clean the sediment cup, and o-ring, and strainer in
nonflammable or high flash point solvent.
3. Reinstall the O-ring, and strainer and screw back the
sediment cup.
4. Turn the fuel valve ON and check for leaks.
Fuel Valve