Exposing a Screen
3730 E. Southern Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85040 USA
Step 5:
Release the red latch and lift the hold down blanket to
expose the glass. Inspect the glass to make sure that it’s
clean. Clean glass makes a better quality screen.
Step 6:
Attach the film positive to the print side. The positive
should be position so that from the squeegee side,
the positive is read left to right. It’s very helpful to
use a preregistration system to make sure each piece
of film is attached to the screen in proper relation to
the other images.
Step 7:
Lay the frame on the glass with the film side down
and the squeegee side up. Next, lay the rope from
inside the screen across the screen edges and in
front of the vacuum hole. The rope creates an escape
route for the air inside the frame, it also keeps the
vacuum port from sealing against the glass.
Step 8:
Close the vacuum lid and latch it into place with the
red latch/seal mechanism. Turn the power button on,
which will power the timer and start the vacuum.
Eventually, the hold down blanket will encompass
the screen and the vacuum motor will change pitch
as it enters idle phase. Set the exposure button and
press the start button. Once the timer reaches zero
an alarm will ring signifying the exposure process is