This consoleallows you to createupto9groupsbycombiningseveral fixtures. Group
of fixtures helpsreduce the procedure when you work on several equal fixtures.
Press therelevant button intheGroupsection to call thegroup, the group LED will blink
constantly and the fixtures will be enabled. Pressingthis Group button a second time will
leave this group.
Group of Fixtures
This function allows you to keep all theselectedfixtures from being subjected to the
faders, scenes or shows. M
eforeyoucanfreezethefixtures.Tofreeze a fixture, first select a fixtureunderfader
control(its LED blinks constantly), then you canfreeze this fixturebypressing the F5
(Freeze) button. The fixture LED blinks unstably indicating it isfrozen. To unfreeze this
fixture, you simply have to press thefixture button.
ake surethefixturesare subjected to faders manual control
Freeze Fixtures
The first time that youenterany setup menu after switching the console on, you will be
required to insert a Password composed of 6 figures, which can be inserted by means
of Show buttons(numeric buttons 1-10). The default Password is 1-6-8-1-6-8.
The Password guarantees all datafiles of theconsole from any unauthorized changes,
that will enhance greatlythedatasecurity. The LCD shows FunctionLockbeforeyou
enter correct Password. After youhaveinsertedthePassword,you will be enabled to
access any setup menu, which can be promptedbyFunction Freeinthedisplay.
Every time youswitch the console on, you will be required toinsert the Passwordbefore
youcanmakeanyparameter settings. Carefully protect your Password andalways keep
it in mind. You canchange the Password as necessary(see Setup menu).
Password & Function Lock
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