Getting acquainted
Basic Control Parts
Master Fader
This fader is used to control overall dimmer output level of 16 channel faders when
master dimmer function is enabled.
Select Button
Press to shift between Pan and Tilt as well between Pan fineandTiltfine.
Black Out Button
This button is used toenable or disabletoshutoffallfixtures.
Fine Button
Press to shift between8-bitand 16-bit movement of joystick.
Up/ Down Buttons
Thesetwobuttonsare used toadjust the dimmer digital value onebyone.
Sequencer Button
This button is used toenable or disabletheexecutionofsequencer.
Pause Button
This button is used topausethe executionofsequencer or shows.
Stand Up/ Down Buttons
Thesetwobuttonsare used toadjust the proportional factor of stand time when
executionofshowsorsequencer.They canalso beused to adjust step time i n
Edit menu.
Cross Up/ Down Buttons
Thesetwobuttonsare used toadjust the proportional factor of cross time when
executionofshowsorsequencer.They canalso beused to adjust fade time o f
step in
Edit menu.