Manual XRI1-ER
TD_XRI1-ER_12.03, Rev. C
After the password is given correctly, parameter setting is permitted for five minutes. This means: For a subse-
quent parameter setting, as long as it is made within five minutes after the password input, a renewed password
input is not required. Moreover, the valid period for parameter setting is automatically extended to further 5
minutes after each new push button operation.
If no push button operation follows within the five minute period after password input, the validity for parameter
setting will be suspended.
For entering further parameters the password is then called up again. During the validity for parameter set-ting a
new set value, after having acknowledged "SAV" two times, is stored by just pressing push button <ENTER> for
some time.
As to parameter setting via RS 485 interface: see open data protocol.
5.5 Relay setting principle
By pressing push button <ENTER>, the parameter menu can be called up. By pressing push button
<SELECT/RESET> the parameter to be set is reached. The corresponding LED lights up. The actual set value
of the selected parameter is indicated on the display. The indicated set value can then be changed by pressing
push buttons <+><-> (in-/decrementing) see figure 5.1).
The selected set value is stored by pressing push button <ENTER> and by input of the authority code (pass-
word) which means the adjustment of the unit is only possible after the password had been put in. (see 5.4.2)
After a trip the push button <SELECT/RESET> is re-served for the indication of fault data. Now new parameter
setting by means of push button <SELECT/RESET> is only possible by pressing <ENTER> first.
5.5.1 Setting of default parameters
Setting of the XRI1-ER default parameters can be done as follows:
switch off the auxiliary voltage supply
press simultaneously push buttons <+><-> and <SELECT/RESET> and
switch on the auxiliary voltage supply again.
5.5.2 Blocking the protection function
The blocking function of the XRI1-ER-relays can be set according to requirement. When pressing push buttons
<ENTER> and <TRIP> at the same time the blocking mode is entered.
5.5.3 Assignment of the signal relays
The parameters for the blocking function are followed by the parameters for the assignment of the output relays.