Deburring The Blade
Deburring The Blade
Sharpening leaves tiny metal burrs on the back side of the teeth. New blades also have
burrs. These burrs MUST be removed before the set is checked. If they are not removed,
they may cause the toothsetter to give false readings.
To remove burrs, take the blade from the Sharpener. Invert it, so that the inside of the
blade is facing out. Drag a stick of hardwood across the blade in the opposite direction
that the teeth cut. (Use the weld in the blade as a reference point for starting and stop-
Cutting with the blade also removes burrs. If the blade you are about to set has been
used after sharpening, you will not need to deburr it. Clean the blade before removing
from the mill by running the Water Lube Option for 15 seconds. Remove the blade and
wipe dry with a rag to prevent rusting.