External Wolfvision lightboxes (optional)
Other external lightboxes (optional)
Please note that objects with a very low contrast (like a blank sheet of paper) are difficult to
focus. If the autofocus does not work just move the object slightly.
For special applications the autofocus can also be switched off using the on/off switch
The autofocus is also switched off when the manual FOCUS keys
or #36)
(#26 or #34)
Digital Zoom
Please note that the VZ-9 has an
optical 12x zoom.
The digital 4x zoom increases the
overall zoom range to a
48x zoom
. The smallest pickup size on the working surface without
(!) digital zoom is 23 x 31mm (0.91" x 1.22"). When you zoom in further the digital zoom is
automatically activated and the smallest pickup size is
please be aware that when the digital zoom is used the resolution of the picture is not as
good as before. The default setting is that a message appears on-screen when you are in
the digital zoom mode.
Still pictures in the memory can also be digitally zoomed
You can change the behavior of the Visualizer in the digital zoom mode in the on-screen menu (see page 10).
6 x 8mm (0.24" x 0.31"). Howe
Turntable lock
The turntable is unlocked
when the unit is delivered.
To lock the turntable, remove
the screw from position 2,
turn the plate until the thread
(position 1) is visible and set
the screw into this hole.
See page 14 for more details
about the turntable
The turntable of the VZ-9
work with the unit.
allows for horizontal pan
shots when using the
Visualizer as a camera to
record outside of the working
surface. It is also very useful
when two people, sitting on
the same table,
Connect the power cord of the light box to the light box connector
on the back of the
Visualizer. The LIGHT key
of the Visualizer can now be used to switch between the
light of the Visualizer and the light of the lightbox.
In order to prevent reflections the light of the Visualizer always has to be switched
off when working with lightboxes.
Shooting area on
the working surface
Eliminating reflections
In order to eliminate reflections
(on high gloss photographs etc.)
just turn the light up-/down wards
Please note that reflections can
also be caused by general room
lighting conditions.