E-‐Base B200 Mounting Instructions
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****Please read and understand these instructions before touching your bike, rack or wrench. ****
Instructions for Complete UnRack /E-‐Base Kit.
You will need: E-‐Base and 303 or Classic Rolie Bags of your choice.
If you are using our Small or Medium Classic Rolie Bags.
1. To Start you will need to "Patch Thread" each Classic Rolie bag. (the 303 Rolies are ready to go.)
"Patch Thread" Setting up The Small and Medium Rolie bag.
2.Tools Needed: Long Screwdriver, Chop Stick, or long stick.
The Small or Medium Rolie bag comes with two straps,
which will be
"Patch Threaded” Fig.
1. Insert raw end of the 1” Webbing into the slot on the front patch welded to the bag, from the underside of the
buckles. Use your screwdriver, chopstick, or long stick to push webbing all way through to the other side. Fig.2 & 3.
2. The Small Rolie. Fig.2 The Medium Fig.3
3. Once you’ve threaded the webbing, center it on the bag. The loop will stick out about 1/2" on each side.
4. Your bag is now
"Patch Threaded" Fig.1