10. Operating level 2
Setting range
Factory setting
Enable, preheat program
Preheat below outside temperature
-20 - 15 °C
10 °C
Preheat time, heater bank
1 - 30 min
2 min
Min. fan speed when KGWO active
0 - 100 %
30 %
Min. fan stage when KGWO active
1 - 3
Min. damper position when KGWO
0 - 100 %
20 %
Minimum runtime, heat source demand
0 - 20 min
6 min
Minimum set boiler temperature
40.0 - 90.0 °C
50 °C
Maximum set boiler temperature
50.0 - 90.0 °C
80 °C
Minimum outside temperature
-30.0 - 15.0 °C
-15.0 °C
Maximum outside temperature
10.0 - 40.0 °C
15.0 °C
Heat source demand
As soon as a demand is issued to the heating circuit pump, a demand will
also be issued to the heat source. A minimum runtime can be set.
Weather-compensated set boiler temperature
If there is BUS communication between the Wolf heating control unit and
the Wolf air handling control unit, the set boiler water temperature can be
specified by the air handling control unit according to demand. This allows
the flow temperature to be matched to the required heating output of the air
handling system, thereby avoiding an unnecessarily high flow temperature.
Flow temperature in °C
Outside temperature °C
Max. set boiler temp.
Min. set boiler temp.