14. Fault messages
Alarms are signalled by the red LED flashing. Pressing the key displays the alarm in plain text; pressing the key on
the alarm display again acknowledges remedied alarms. If several alarms are active, this is indicated by a symbol
in the top r.h. corner. Further alarms can be called up by means of the scroll keys.
Fault, inverter, ventilation
fan (AL01)
The system shuts
Fault recognition
through FU; FU faulty
Check inverter; acknowledge
fault message
Motor temperature too high,
ventilation fan (AL02)
The system shuts
Fan motor temperature
too high
Allow the motor to cool down until
the cold conductor temperature
has returned into the permissible
range; check the power drawn
by the supply air fan; if the
fault repeats, check the motor,
bearing and fan. Acknowledge
fault messages
Isolator switch, ventilation
fan (AL03)
The system shuts
Isolator switch of supply
air fan switched off
Switch on supply air fan isolator
switch; acknowledge fault
Air flow monitor, supply air
The system shuts
Supply air V-belt torn;
barometric cell or lead
to barometric cell faulty
- Air damper closed
Replace drive belt; check
barometric cell or lead;
acknowledge fault message
Check the actuators of the air
Fault, inverter, extract fan
The system shuts
Fault recognition
through FU; FU faulty
Check inverter; acknowledge
fault message
Motor temperature too high,
extract fan (AL06)
The system shuts
Fan motor temperature
too high
Allow the motor to cool down until
the cold conductor temperature
has returned into the permissible
range; check the power drawn
by the supply air fan; if the
fault repeats, check the motor,
bearing and fan. Acknowledge
fault messages
Isolator switch, extract fan
The system shuts
Isolator switch of extract
air fan has switched off
Switch on isolator switch of
extract air fan, acknowledge fault
Air flow monitor, extract air
The system shuts
Extract air fan belt torn;
barometric cell or lead
to barometric cell faulty
- Air damper closed
Replace drive belt; check
barometric cell or lead;
acknowledge fault message
Check the actuators of the air
Outdoor air filter
contaminated (AL09)
Display only
The outdoor air filter has
exceeded its limit
Clean or replace filter element
Supply air filter
contaminated (AL10)
Display only
The supply air filter has
exceeded its limit
Clean or replace filter element
Extract air filter
contaminated (AL11)
Display only
The extract air filter has
exceeded its limit
Clean or replace filter element
Pump fault, DHW bank
The system shuts
An overload relay of an
external heating circuit
pump has responded
Reset overload relay; check
power drawn by the pump,
acknowledge fault message