Delivery to site / Transportation
Delivery to site
KG 15-250 and KG/KWG 630-1000 series air conditioners are delivered to site in
transportable units.
Check all incoming goods for signs of damage in transit.
Make a note of all damage or suspected damage on the waybill and have this
damage report countersigned by the delivering freight forwarder.
Immediately report the situation to WOLF.
The equipment must always be transported right way up, in other words in the
position corresponding to the as-installed position.
Exception: KGXD 160/250 upright is transported on its side (turned through 90°).
Use straps of adequate load-bearing strength to carry the suspended load.
If you use a fork-lift or rollers to move the equipment, always make sure that the
forks or rollers are beneath the frame sections, not beneath the floor panels.
If you suspend the load by means of eyebolts (on request), make sure that the
length of each rope run is at least equal to the distance between the eyebolts L.
Make sure all ropes are the same length.
The weatherproofed KGW 630 to 1000 air-conditioning units are fitted with lifting
eyes as standard.
Always use cross-bars when lifting items of equipment fitted with more than four
Clearance on the operating side should be at least equal to the width of the unit
to permit access for installation, operation and maintenance (see list below).
Space required for installation, operation and maintenance:
Fan section
0.8 x width of unit
Chiller, heater section, KVS
x width of unit + 250 mm
Filter section up to KG 100
x width of unit
KG 160 and larger
0.5 x with of unit
In a side-by-side configuration, allow the clearances as stated above for installa-
tion, operation and maintenance on each side.
Those units which require a siphon (washer, humidifier, chiller, KGX/KGXD, drip
separator) must be installed in such a way as to ensure correct installation and
operation of the siphon (do not forget to allow for height of foundation).
In Germany, special statutory conditions apply to extractor systems for en-
closed parking lots. Comparable legislation may apply in other countries.