18 H49 29 53/73 100 Fax: 029 53/73 96 100
DC 2000
The entire printout for this determination of leakage rate specifies and also
documents permanently all interim results for determining the volume. One
advantage of this method lies in the insensitiveness to any pipe leaks: the
small sample volume leads to pressure differences only of a few hPa in the
line. Compared with a usual test pressure of 150 hPa, these low test pres-
sures can scarcely give rise to a perceptible leak.
6.1.2 Determining pipelines from graphs
When the C I/O key is pressed at the same time that the text “Pipe volume”
appears, the pipe volume can then be determined from the pipe lengths and
pipe diameters in figure 6.3 and entered at the ± key. When this entered value
is confirmed with the ENTER key, it is used as V
for determining other lea-
kage rates in accordance with G 624. A blow-up of this diagram can be found
on the front page of the loose leaf inserted at the centre of these operating
Figure 6.3 – Aid for determining pipe capacity
For example, a 1/2“ pipe designed with “medium-duty threads in accordance
6. Determining the leakage rate
Aid for determining pipe volumes
Pipe volume (l)
Pipe section length (m)
Volume of the nozzle
max. pipe volume (DC 2000
20 ml
10 l
50 ml
25 l
100 ml
50 l
163 ml (1 stroke with the test pump)
80 l
489 ml (3 strokes with the test pump) 240 l