WIZ-iRadio User’s Manual
© Copyright 2008 WIZnet Inc. All rights reserved
Most of the function of F/W checks the socket status and performs the related activities. If
the address of broadcasting station is of domain name, by using DNS protocol,
communication with DNS server is processed to acquire real IP address. After connecting to
this IP address, it sends the data to check if the server operates with the method of
SHOUTCAST or HTTP. In case of MMS, the address starts with ‘mms://’. So, the firmware
operates according to MMS method without checking process.
4.5. Server list File
Server list file is used at the Configuration Tool. The server information of this file is saved in the
Flash of the module.
The file format is as below..
Count = 7
The total station number
Name1= station name / It is not required field.
Address of the Station / The address starts with
or “mms://”
If this file is modified, Configuration Tool should be re-started. In order to apply the change. Click
“URLset” at the Configuration Tool program.
Figure 17. server_list.txt