Note: To edit the image of the
scanned text, see Selecting Part of
an Image (page 26).
Word List Sign
The Word List sign beside the
translation indicates that the scanned
word corresponds to more than one
dictionary entry. Press to access
the Word List and choose from the
listed dictionary entries. For example,
if you scan the word 'walking',
will enable you to
choose between 'walk' (verb and
noun) and 'walking' (adjective and
noun). Scroll through the list by using
or until the cursor points to
the word you want to translate. To
translate the word, press .
Compound Words
If the German word you have
scanned is not a dictionary entry but
is a compound word consisting of
existing dictionary entries, a word
list appears enabling you to select
the parts of the compound word. For
example, if you scan the word
'Sprachgemeinschaft', a word list
appears containing the words 'Sprach'
and 'Gemeinschaft'.
Split Verbs
If the German word you want to scan
is part of a split verb, e.g. 'aufstellen
in the sentence 'ihr stellt etwas auf',
there are two ways to obtain the
translation of the complete verb:
Scanning as Split Verb
1. Scan the second part of the verb
('stellt'); * appears next to the
2. Press ; "Scan 1st Part" appear
3. Scan the first part of the verb
If the word you have scanned is listed
as part of a split verb and also
corresponds to other dictionary
entries, the word list sign also
appears next to the headword. Press
to enter the word list and select
Split Verb; ÒScan 1st PartÓ appears.
You can now scan the first part of
the verb.
If the word you have scanned is only
listed as part of a split verb, “Scan
1st Part” appears directly.
Scanning as Divided Word
1. Press ; "Divided Word - Scan
1st Part" appears.
2. Scan the first part of the verb
3. When "Divided Word - Scan 2nd
Part" appears, scan the second part
of the verb ('stellt').
How to Scan