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6-1-3 Activating the analog keypad and UART
Menu System setup
Input the master code
Since switching of the operating
mode can under certain
circumstances also have a major
influence on the function of the
input unit, the general sequence for
the menu function was amended
This should make it more difficult to
switch mode accidentally.
Submenu Mode change
Input the master code
6-2 Configuration of silent alarm
Set the alarm addend, e.g. the last code digit + 3
Menu System setup
Input the master code
The "silent alarm function" is
deactivated by inputting the number
0 as the alarm addend.
The quiescent state of the
switching contact is defined by the
switching logic.
high = relay switches on briefly if
there is an alarm
low = relay switched to quiescent
state. If there is an alarm it is
switched off briefly
Submenu "silent alarm"
Alarm addend
Switching logic 1=high,
Activation of the "silent alarm function" increases the number of code digits that are
required from 6 to 7 places. (Requirement for code differentiation VdS)
If users have already been created, the last place is automatically filled with 0.
The user codes should therefore be changed subsequently!