Wise Telecommunications Industry
Figure 3.5: Line up of channels.
On the screen, use the Keys
to choose the feature you want to change
and use
to change. When you finish the changes just out by
to confirm the choice.
(a) Channel Editing.
(b) The name of the channel.
Figure 3.6: Editing of the features of the chat rooms.
In the name edit screen use the numeric keys or the directional
exchange letters and
to change the cursor position. Press
to switch
the character type. A maximum of 8 characters is allowed. Press
to confirm and
to cancel the editing at any time.
3.1.4 Line-Up Update
IMPORTANT: Never connect the USB cable and the coax at the same time, it can
generate from malfunctions until destruction of equipment.
There is in the TSW500CATV the option to create and update the line-up of channels
through the software, can be downloaded on the website of
Wise Telecommunications
(www.wi.com.br). You need the
Windows .NET Framework
, download the
same can be done so much for this link in bold as windows update.
Using the program is simple, just click 2 times the executable (lineup.exe) and the
following screen will appear: