1 . Finding the right size chicken – be careful not use a chicken
exceeding the 5lbs max .
2 . After preparing, i .e ., seasoning the chicken, truss the chicken
using butcher’s twine .
a . Place the chicken on its back with the legs facing toward you .
b . Slide a piece of twine under the back of the chicken between the
wings and the thighs .
c . Pull both ends of the twine up under the chicken’s armpits, then
pull them over the wings .
d . Cross the string around the top of the breast, making sure the
skin is secure .
e . Bring the ends of the twine back toward you, running them
along the sides of the breast above the wings and thighs .
f . Cross the ends of the twine, pulling tightly up and under the
crown of the bird .
a. b. c.
d. e.