O p e r a t i n g M a n u a l
GL-N 400/300
Technical Documentation
BA 000 180_OA
Page 12 of 22
3.2 Vacuum supply
Vacuum supply is effected by an electrical operated vacuum pump that is powered by the
battery. Starting at the vacuum pump the OKTOPUS
GLASS-Jack GL-N 400/300 is de-
signed as a dual circuit system. That means that all the following vacuum components such
as non-return valve, vacuum reservoir, pressure controller, vacuum gauge and suction pad
exist twice (two vacuum circuits).
The two vacuum circuits of the OKTOPUS
GLASS-Jack GL-N 400/300 are marked by dif-
ferent colors, one color per vacuum circuit (blue and red). You have to ensure that suction
pads with vacuum hoses of the same color are always arranged diagonally to each other at
the suction frame.
GLASS-Jack GL-N 400/300 mounted to the crane is ready for use, when a
sufficient vacuum level is reached in both vacuum tanks. The current vacuum level is con-
stantly indicated on the vacuum gauges (figure 5).
The green scale range is the
permissible working range from -0,65 bar to -0,9 bar.
Fig. 5:
Vacuum gauge
During operation the vacuum is monitored by two pressure controllers. If the vacuum is in the
working range in both vacuum circuits, the OKTOPUS
is ready for use.
If the vacuum decreases impermissibly in one or both vacuum circuits or the pressure rises
above -0,65 bar (red scale range) a warning is triggered automatically:
the alarm buzzer sounds.
red warning light illuminates.
Always arrange suction pads with vacuum hoses of the same color diago-
nally to each other at the suction frame! Non-compliance with these in-
structions could, in case of a breakdown of a vacuum circuit, lead to the
load suddenly dropping due to uneven load distribution.
If the alarm is activated, stop working instantly and evacuate the hazard
zone, as the sucked element could disengage suddenly. Never stand or
walk under the OKTOPUS
or the suctioned element!
The alarm remains active until the vacuum pressure is restored within its
permitted limits.
Red range
must not be operated in
this range.
Green range
may only be operated in
this range.