Alerts Setting
(Main Page ->Setup->Set Alert)
You can set the value on alerts regarding
over- speed setting and UV measurement
and heartbeat rates if beyond the settings of
limited value. (You can input your personal
information in the Main Page ->Setup-
>System->User. WSG-2000 will auto calculate
your optimized heartbeat rate) Or you can
set by your selves. If the alert function is
enabled, the system will warn you when your
movement is over the limited setting.
Log Mode
(Main page ->Setup->System->Log Mode)
WSG-2000 provides 4 modes to Log function.
a . User Mode: Set the log mode you need by WSG-Tool.
b . Walk Mode: To record a point by time or distance interval per 20 sec.
or 50 meters. The limit for the logging within the speed ranges from 1
to 150km per hour (Speed >= 1 to 150km/h)
c . Bike Mode: To record a point by time or distance interval per 10 sec.
or 100 meters. The limit for the logging within the speed ranges from
1 to 150km per hour (Speed >= 1 to 150km/h)
d . Car Mode: To record a point while heading angle changes more than
7 degree. And the limit for the logging within the speed ranges from
1 to 2000km per hour (Speed >= 1 to 2000km/h)
Set Alert
Heartbeat Load
Over Speed
UV Excess
Log Mode
User Mode