The first argument must be the COM port in use. This should match the COM port
used by the PPM-GX500 for serial console operations (e.g., COM1 or COM2).
The next argument is the direction flag
, which indicates a desire to have the PPM-GX500
receive a file. A direction flag of
indicates that the PPM-GX500 will send a file.
The last argument is the name of the file to be sent or the name with which to save the file to
be received.
Proper usage of SCOPY is illustrated in the following example. Suppose we wish to send our
revised application, called APP.EXE, to the PPM-GX500. We are currently connected to the
serial console using COM2 on the PPM-GX500. To initiate the reception we type :
scopy com2 -rq app.exe
The reverse of this would be to retrieve a data file APP.DAT from the PPM-GX500 for analysis.
To start the upload we would type :
scopy com2 -sq app.dat
Once SCOPY has been started on the PPM-GX500, we now need to tell WINCOM to send or
receive a file. If we specified
to SCOPY, we wanted the PPM-GX500 to receive and WINCOM
to send. This is called an
. To start the upload we press
on the client
keyboard and
WINCOM presents us with a prompt:
File to up load :
We type in the name of the file we are sending. The file must be in the current directory on the
client PC or else a path must be specified. In our previous upload example we type:
WINCOM responds with the message:
Sending app.exe
And then begins a synchronization process with the PPM-GX500. Once synchronization is
complete, WINCOM presents a tally of records sent so far such as:
Sending Record Number 000040
When the file transfer is complete. WINCOM reports:
wincom : File Transfer Complete
SCOPY then reports on the result:
scopy : File transfer complete
As long as both parties agree, the file arrived at the destination correctly. If there is
a problem, either WINCOM or SCOPY will report that an error has occurred.
Downloading a file from the PPM-GX500 to the client PC is done in an identical manner, except
is used with SCOPY and
is used with WINCOM.