Serial Connector Summary (DB9 Pinout) for all four ports
COM3 and COM4 Configuration
COM3 and COM4 support RS-232 only and can be enabled or disabled in the BIOS. Please
see the
BIOS Supplemental
for further details.
1 2 3 4 5
o o o o o
o o o o
6 7 8 9
RS-232 Mode
1. DCD
2. RX
3. TX
4. DTR
5. GND
6. DSR
7. RTS
8. CTS
9. RI
RS-422 Mode
1. N/A
2. TX+
3. TX-
4. N/A
5. GND
6. RX+
7. RX-
8. N/A
9. N/A
RS-485 Mode
1. N/A
2. TX/RX+
3. TX/RX-
4. N/A
5. GND
6. N/A
7. N/A
8. N/A
9. N/A
DB9 Male
COM1 and COM2 Configuration
- Both COM1 and COM2 can be individually
configured for any one of the following operating modes in the BIOS.
1. RS-232 Mode
2. RS-422 Mode with RTS transmitter enable
3. RS-422 Mode with auto transmitter enable
4. RS-485 Mode with RTS transmitter enable
5. RS-485 Mode with RTS transmitter enable and echo back
6. RS-485 Mode with auto transmitter enable
7. RS-485 Mode with auto transmitter enable and echo back
Modes 2, 4 and 5 require the RTS bit (MCR Bit 1) be set in order to transmit.
Mode 4 requires that RTS (MCR Bit 1) be de-asserted in order to receive.
Each of the RS-422/RS-485 modes allow for BIOS selection of transmit and/or
receive termination resistor(s). This allows the user to select the operating
mode and its optional features and termination without the use of jumpers. All
termination resistors are 1 KΩ.
Independent control of transmit, receive, line status and data set interrupts are on all
channels. Each channel is setup to provide internal diagnostics such as loopback and
echo mode on the data stream. An independent, software programmable baud rate
generator is selectable from 50 through 115.2 kbps. Individual modem handshake
control signals are supported for all channels.
COM1 and COM2 also have BIOS selectable RS-422/485 support. RS-422/485
provides separate balanced transmit and receive signal pairs. For RS-485 multidrop
lines, one signal pair can be used for “party line” network structures.
RS-232 interface levels are supported on COM3 and COM4. The RS-232 drivers have
a charge pump to generate the plus and minus voltages so that the PPM-GX500 only
re5V to operate.