WinSystems PCM-AIO Operation Manual Download Page 12

lect/con vert to each chan nel.  A chan nel is pro grammed for dif fer en tial op era tion by writ -
ing a '1' to the DI bit in the chan nel/con vert word.   For proper op era tion a chan nel that is
used as a dif fer en tial with dif fer en tial in puts should have a bias re turn for each in put,  i.e.
(+) and (-).  A one me gohm re sis tor from each dif fer en tial in put to ground will pro vide a
suf fi cient bias re turn path for each in put.

Note: It is pos si ble to re verse the + and - dif fer en tial in puts in soft ware for a given

chan nel.  See Ta ble 1 of the MAX180 da tasheet on page 7-94 in Ap pen dix C.


Unipolar/Bipolar Operation

Each chan nel on the PCM- AIO can be op er ated in ei ther uni po lar or bi po lar mode. A

uni po lar in put pro vides a 0 to 5 VDC in put while a bi po lar in put pro vides a -2.5 VDC to
+2.5VDC in put.  A chan nel is pro grammed for uni po lar if the BP bit in the chan nel se 


lect/con vert bit is set to '0' and by pro gram ming the BP bit to a '1', the chan nel is set for bi po -
lar op era tion.


A/D Software Interface

An A/D con ver sion is started by writ ing a byte to the chan nel se lect/con vert byte lo cated 

at I/O port lo ca tion BASE + 0.  The ac tual lo ca tion of the PCM- AIO de pends on the I/O ad -
dress that is se lected by jumper block J8. The byte writ ten to the chan nel se lect/con vert
port will set the PCM- AIO for the se lected chan nel, uni po lar/bi po lar, and sin gle ended/dif -
fer en tial op era tion and then be gin a con ver sion.  It is im por tant to note that in this mode of
op era tion, the MAX180 al lows only 1.875 uS to ac quire the sig nal.  If the in put source im -
ped ance is greater than 8 kOhms, then the Asyn chro nous Hold mode will need to be used in 
or der to al low enough time to ac quire the sig nal.  The PCM- AIO will con vert the ana log
volt age to digi tal data in ap proxi mately 10 uS.  If de sired, an end of con ver sion in ter rupt
can be gen er ated on the PC/104 and routed through J7 as shown ear lier. The in ter rupt con -
trol ler will need to be ini tial ized to take ad van tage of this fea ture.  An other way to de ter -
mine if the con ver sion is com pleted is to poll the ST status bit in the STATUS READ I/O
port lo cated at BASE + 4. The ST status bit is the most sig nifi cant bit (MSB).  The ST bit
will be high '1' when the A/D con ver tor is BUSY and low '0' when it is fin ished.  See the
MAX180 da tasheet, page 7-95, Fig ure 7b in the Ap pen dix C for tim ing.

If the in put source im ped ance is greater than 8 kOhms, the Track and Hold cir cuit will

not have enough time to ac quire the sig nal and the con ver sion will not be cor rect.  Un der
these con di tions, the MAX180 A/D con ver tor will need to op er ated in the “Asyn chro nous
Hold Mode”.  See the MAX180 da tasheet, page 7-98, Fig ure 10b in the Ap pen dix C.  The
jumper J2 will need to be re moved to place the MAX180 in the asyn chro nous mode.  In the
asyn chro nous mode it will be nec es sary to per form two write cy cles to be gin a con ver sion.
The first write cy cle is the same as bef ore, ex cept the chan nel data is writ ten to an odd I/O
port of BASE+1.  This will se lect the proper chan nel and se lect the mode of op era tion, how -
ever a con ver sion will not be gin un til the sec ond write cy cle is gen er ated by writ ing the

Page 2-4



WinSystems - "The Embedded Systems Authority"

Summary of Contents for PCM-AIO

Page 1: ...opyright 1993 by WinSystems All Rights Reserved NOTE This manual has been designed and created for use as part of the WinSystems Technical Manuals CD and or the WinSystems website If this manual or any portion of the manual is downloaded copied or emailed the links to additional information i e software cable drawings will be inoperable ...

Page 2: ...REVISION HISTORY P N 403 0172 000 ECO NUMBER Date Code Rev Level ORIGINATED 032993 A 93 67 092493 A1 94 31 940817 A2 98 29 980414 A3 98 48 980723 B WinSystems The Embedded Systems Authority ...

Page 3: ...tion 2 3 2 6 A D In put Connector 2 3 2 7 Single Ended Operation 2 3 2 8 Differential Operation 2 3 2 9 Unipolar Bipolar Operation 2 4 2 10 A D Software Interface 2 4 2 11 A D Calibration Procedure 2 5 2 12 Output Coding 2 6 2 13 A D Software Examples 2 6 2 14 D A Output Connector 2 10 2 15 D A Voltage Reference and Output Selection 2 10 2 16 D A Software Flowchart Assembly Routine 2 10 2 17 D A C...

Page 4: ... the Visual Index has been provided with direct links to connector and jumper configuration data J7 J10 Interrupt Routing Selection J8 I O Address Selection J3 D A Output Connector J4 J5 J6 D A Output Configuration i OPERATIONS MANUAL PCM AIO 980723 J1 A D Input Connector ...

Page 5: ...AIO uses a total of 8 I O ports and is designed to work with standard NMOS TTL or CMOS base boards 1 2 2 Analog to Digital Converter The PCM AIO contains the Maxim MAX180 12 bit data acquisition system It com bines an 8 channel input multiplexer high bandwidth Track and Hold T H low drift zener reference and flexible microprocessor interface with a high conversion speed suc cessive approximation a...

Page 6: ... 130 4 is a 4 foot rib bon cable that will connect the PCM AIO to the Analog ADP This board is a non isolated signal conditioner and termination panel 1 2 5 Digital to Analog Converter The PCM AIO has two 12 bit digital to analog convertor channels Each channel can be configured for either a unipolar or bipolar output with one of two output ranges 0 to 5V or 5V The D A section on the PCM AIO takes...

Page 7: ...ors our LPM MCM SX386 486 and other CPU base boards 1 3 SPECIFICATIONS 1 3 1 Electrical A D Number of Channels Up to 8 A D Resolution 12 bits Input range 0 to 5 volts single ended 2 5 to 2 5 volts differetial Coding Natural binary unipolar Two s complement bipolar Nonlinearity 1 LSB Gain error Adjustable to zero Conversion speed 10 microseconds D A Number of Channels 2 D A Resolution 12 bits Volta...

Page 8: ...100 1 3 3 Environmental Operational Temperature 0 C to 65 C 1 3 4 Ordering Information PCM AIO 12 bit A D converter CBL 120 3 3 ft 26 conductor ribbon cable unterminated CBL 130 4 4 ft 26 conductor ribbon cable to the Analog ADP card Analog ADP Analog termination panel Page 1 4 OPERATIONS MANUAL PCM AIO 980723 WinSystems The Embedded Systems Authority ...

Page 9: ...53 between 8AM and 5PM Central time Monday through Friday 2 2 I O Address Select The PCM AIO decodes 16 I O ports to access the board The I O port addresses are de termined by an EPAL and is controlled by jumper block J8 The figures below show the Base I O address as determined by the jumpering of J8 980723 OPERATIONS MANUAL PCM AIO Page 2 1 2 o o 4 1 o o 3 J8 2 4 6 8 10 12 o o o o o o o o o o o o...

Page 10: 4 Bits of converted data OFFSET 4 Read Bit 7 1 A D Busy 0 Conversion complete Bits 6 0 Unused 2 4 D A Registers OFFSET 8 Write Bits 7 0 Channel A LSB data OFFSET 9 Write Bits 7 4 Unused Bits 3 0 Channel A Upper 4 bits of 12 Bit ouput value OFFSET 10 Write Bits 7 0 Channel B LSB data OFFSET 11 Write Bits 7 4 Unused Bits 3 0 Channel B Upper 4 bits of 12 Bit ouput value Page 2 2 OPERATIONS MANUAL ...

Page 11: have a mixture of single ended and differential input signals by programming the appropriate channel se 980723 OPERATIONS MANUAL PCM AIO Page 2 3 WinSystems The Embedded Systems Authority 1 o o 14 2 o o 15 3 o o 16 4 o o 17 5 o o 18 6 o o 19 7 o o 20 8 o o 21 9 o o 22 10 o o 23 11 o o 24 12 o o 25 13 o o 26 1 o o 14 2 o o 15 3 o o 16 4 o o 17 5 o o 18 6 o o 19 7 o o 20 8 o o 21 9 o o 22 10 o o ...

Page 12: ... the signal If the input source im pedance is greater than 8 kOhms then the Asynchronous Hold mode will need to be used in order to allow enough time to acquire the signal The PCM AIO will convert the analog voltage to digital data in approximately 10 uS If desired an end of conversion interrupt can be generated on the PC 104 and routed through J7 as shown earlier The interrupt con troller will ne...

Page 13: ...t will loop continuously on one channel 2 OFFSET ZERO ADJUSTMENT TRIMPOT R3 Apply a voltage source between the selected analog channel and ground A 1uF ceramic capacitor should be used across the inputs to suppress noise Adjust the output of the volt age source to 1 2 LSB Adjust the offset zero trimming potentiometer R3 so that the out put code flickers equally between 000 HEX and 001 HEX for unip...

Page 14: ...will in terface to the PCM AIO in synchronous polled mode for a 0 to 5 VDC unipolar input range mov dx BASE_PORT Set PC 104 Base I O Address mov al 0 Chan 0 Single Ended Unipolar out dx al Start Conversion add dx 4 Point to Status Register wait in al dx Read Status Bit test al 80H See if Conversion Finished jne wait If Not Try Again mov dx BASE_PORT Point to Low data Byte in al dx Read Low Data By...

Page 15: ...ry ISR Pointer void interrupt Int0d void Declaration on ISR unsigned int ticks 5 convi unsigned int tar 8 0x000 0x924 0x249 0xb6d 0x492 0xdb6 0x6db 0xfff main int a b c for a 0 a2 a printf n _settextposition 1 1 printf Test for PCM AIO boards n printf To set up the board connect the Voltage Source to the points n printf indicated on the test fixture and set for 4 998 Volts n printf Adjust R3 on A ...

Page 16: ... printf 3d abs c tar a 41 if a 0 a If abs c tar a 1 resistors used for testing printf Pass else printf Fail if a 0 a 7 If abs c tar a used for offset gain calibration printf Pass else printf Fail if kbhit break a inp 0x21 a 0x20 mask irq5 outp 0x21 a _displaycursor _GCURSORON _dos_setvect 0x0d OldRq5 _dos_setvect 0x1c OldTmr Get conversion MODE 0 Single ended Unipolar 1 Single ended Bipolar 2 Diff...

Page 17: int getconv int ch int mode unsigned int a b c convi 0 mode 3 outp 0x100 ch mode 3 ticks 0 2 while ticks 0 inp 0x104 0x80 if ticks 0 0 _settextposition 22 1 printf Busy is stuck n if convi 0 _settextposition 23 1 printf Interrupt Failed n a inp 0x100 255 b inp 0x101 15 c b 8 a return c Timer Tick Interrupt void interrupt Int1c void int a for a 0 a a if ticks a 0 ticks a A2D Interrupt from PC 10...

Page 18: jumpered for either a 5VDC or 5VDC reference and for either unipolar or bipolar operation The following chart shows the appropriate jumper positions for these options UNIPOLAR BIPOLAR JUMPER SELECTION RANGE CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 1 0 to 5VDC J6 3 4 J6 7 8 J5 2 3 J4 2 3 5V to 5V J6 1 2 J6 5 6 J5 1 2 J4 1 2 Page 2 10 OPERATIONS MANUAL PCM AIO 980723 WinSystems The Embedded Systems Authority 1 o o 2 3 ...

Page 19: ... that is written to the D A The PORT_ADDRESS is the I O address that is decoded on the selected PCM AIO 980723 OPERATIONS MANUAL PCM AIO Page 2 11 WinSystems The Embedded Systems Authority 3 o 2 o 1 o 8 o o 7 6 o o 5 4 o o 3 2 o o 1 3 2 1 o o o J4 J6 J5 D A Output Configuration Jumpers J4 J5 J6 OUTPUT ROUTINE ONE CHANNEL LOAD ACC LOW BYTE VALUE OUTPUT ACC TO I O BASE 08 LOAD ACC HIGH BYTE VALUE OU...

Page 20: ...section 2 15 4 For a unipolar output output an 0FFF HEX to the channel or channels that are being calibrated and adjust the gain adjustment potentiometers for FS 1LSB as shown in the tables below 5 For a bipolar output output an 0800 HEX to the channel or channels that are being calibrated and adjust the gain adjustment potentiometers for 0000 as shown in the tables below VOLTAGE OUTPUT FOR UNIPOL...


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Page 42: ...Cable Drawings CBL 120 3 3ft 26 conductor ribbon cable with one unterminated end CBL 130 4 3ft 26 conductor ribbon cable to the Analog ADP card Software Example test and calibration routines for PCM AIO PCMAIO ZIP ...

