NOTE: If equipped with two motor/gearbox
units, crank both sides of the room
alternately and equally to avoid wedging
the room.
If help is available, a second person
(with a duplicate socket and ratchet)
cranking the other end simultaneously
will greatly speed up the process.
4. Crank the room(s) until it is just “snugged up.”
Do not overcrank or you could damage the
gear assembly.
5. While maintaining pressure on ratchet
wrenches, re-engage the motor brake by
moving lever clockwise slightly - or to the
right when facing end of motor (repeat for
motor at other end of room, if equipped).
6. Reconnect motor power lead to wiring
harness (repeat for motor at other end of room,
if equipped).
7. Fasten slideout room travel latching device (if
equipped) inside the coach before driving the
8. See your dealer for service of the slideout
mechanism before using again.
Further Information
See the slideout manufacturer’s user guide
provided in your InfoCase for further instructions
and troubleshooting information.
-If Equipped
If the slideout mechanism is malfunctioning
and the room will not retract using the interior
control switch, you may need to access the
motor/gear assembly and manually crank the
room in to the travel position.
The rear bedroom slideout has a motor/
gearbox unit, which is located underneath the
bed. Remove panel to access as shown in the
following photo (if equipped).
Crank-In Procedure
1. Disengage the motor brake, which appears as
a flat “square” protrusion on the protective
boot at the end of the motor. Move the brake
lever slightly – about 1/8 turn counter-
clockwise (to left when facing end of motor).
2. Disconnect the motor power lead from the
wiring harness.
Front Slideout Motor/Gearbox Unit
(Located underneath coach below slideout)
-Typical View
3) Use 3/4”socket
on gearbox shaft to
crank room in
2) Disconnect motor
power lead from
wiring harness
1) Lift tab inside
protrusion on boot to
disengage motor brake
Removable Panel (if equipped)
(Located underneath bed)
* Lift bed board to access
-Typical View