Engine Preheating/Motoraid
Also included in this system is a motoraid
feature, which uses heat generated by the RV
engine during travel to transfer heat to the water
heating solution in the boiler tank. This process
allows the boiler tank to remain heated, which
reduces the time required to bring the tank to
operating temperature for continuous hot water
and interior heat.
The Hydronic Heating System also includes
an engine preheat feature. This allows for easy
engine start-up whenever cold weather
conditions exist.
The Hydronic Heating System can be
operated off of the 120-volt AC electric heating
element or the 12-volt DC diesel burner.
NOTE: Please note that the diesel burner is the
primary heat source for heating both the
interior and the domestic hot water (such
as when cool ambient temperatures exist
and/or when there is a high demand for
domestic hot water).
It is recommended that when starting up your
RV in extreme cold weather conditions or when
you are planning on taking a longer shower, to
turn on the diesel burner switch located on your
interior control switch panel.
If you normally run the Hydronic Heating
System off of the 120-volt AC electric heating
element only, it is recommended to fire up the
diesel burner monthly as routine maintenance.
Increasing and Decreasing Water
A tempering valve is located on the back side
of the Aqua-Hot unit for regulating the
temperature of the hot water.
Turning the tempering valve an 1/8 of a turn
either way will dramatically increase or decrease
the water temperature.
Turn tempering valve COUNTER-
Turn tempering valve CLOCKWISE to
DECREASE water temperature.
Hydronic Heating System
Interior Control Switches
(Located near monitor panel)
-Typical View
Interior Control Switches
Increasing water temperature may result
in scalding and serious injury.