* When the retainer straps are unfastened
and pulled back, the tire assembly is free to drop
to the ground. Use a suitable hydraulic jack
assembly or have an assistant use a block-and-
lever device to help lower the tire assembly to
the ground to avoid injury.
NOTE: The jack referred to in the following in-
structions is not supplied with the vehi-
cle. You can obtain one from your dealer.
A jack is designed for use as a tool for chang-
ing tires only, not for use as a leveling device or
as a support when servicing.
Before trying to change either the front or
rear tires, follow these precautions:
1. Park vehicle on level surface only.
2. Turn off engine and set parking brake.
3. Turn on hazard warning flasher.
4. Block both front and back of tire on opposite
side of wheel to be removed.
5. On soft ground, use a board or other material
under jack as a firm base to ensure that the
jack will not shift.
Before trying to remove the front wheel, ob-
serve the above safety precautions, then follow
the procedure below:
1. Place jack under jacking point specified by
chassis manufacturer. Position jack so it may
be operated without placing your body
beneath vehicle.
2. Screw jack extension pad out (up) until it
touches jacking point surface.
3. Begin jacking until jack is firmly positioned
and just begins to bear weight, but
do not
tire off the ground.
4. “Crack” wheel nuts loose with lug wrench,
but do not unscrew nuts yet.
5. Resume jacking until wheel is free of
6. Remove wheel nuts and wheel; put spare
wheel in place.
7. Install wheel nuts and tighten as much as
possible with wheel and tire off the ground.
We advise you to obtain qualified
road service whenever possible. Do
not try to change a tire yourself
except under emergency conditions,
and only by closely following instruc-
tions in this manual and the chassis
operating guide.
If you do satisfactorily complete an
emergency tire change, we recom-
mend that you have the wheel nuts
checked and properly torque tight-
ened by qualified service personnel as
soon as possible.
After a wheel has been properly
torqued and inspected by qualified
service personnel, it should be
rechecked after traveling 100 miles,
then again at each oil change.
Tire Tools
Wheel Liner Tool
Tire change procedures should be
used in emergency situations only.
The operator is advised to obtain
qualified road service when possible.