17~32” Rack Mount Military Display User Manual
Advisory Conventions
Four types of advisories are used throughout the user manual to provide helpful information or to alert you
to the potential for hardware damage or personal injury. These are Notes, Important, Cautions, and
Warnings. The following is an example of each type of advisory.
A note is used to emphasize helpful information
An important note indicates information that is important for you to know.
Caution/ Attention
A Caution alert indicates potential damage to hardware and explains how to avoid the
potential problem.
Une alerte d’attention indique un dommage possible à l’équipement et explique comment
éviter le problème potentiel.
Warning!/ Avertissement!
An Electrical Shock Warning indicates the potential harm from electrical hazards and how
to avoid the potential problem.
Un Avertissement de Choc Électrique indique le potentiel de chocs sur des emplacements
électriques et comment éviter ces problèmes.
Safety Information
Do not expose the display to
direct sunlight.
Sunlight shines directly will
cause the panel damage.
You should avoid placing
the product under direct
Do not place the display in wet
If the product is close to the
wet ground such as
grassplot, the moisture
between panel and glass
will make the product
You should avoid placing
the product in wet
Alternating Current/ Mise à le terre !
The Protective Conductor Terminal (Earth Ground) symbol indicates the potential risk of
serious electrical shock due to improper grounding.
Le symbole de Mise à Terre indique le risqué potential de choc électrique grave à la
terre incorrecte.