Safety Precautions
Mechanical Operation
Keep loose clothing, hair, hands, toes, fingers, and pets away from the drive chain
and sprockets of the Human Power Generator at all times.
Do not operate the Human Power Generator barefoot.
If your Human Power Generator is assembled with foot pedals, do not operate it
with your hands.
Do not allow children to operate the Human Power Generator unsupervised.
The generation of electricity requires a certain amount of physical exertion. People
with health considerations should consult with their health care practitioners
before engaging in strenuous cranking or pedaling.
Electrical Operation
As with any electrical device, use caution with the Human Power Generator.
Although the voltage generated is low, take care not to touch any exposed wires or
to allow loose wires to touch each other.
Observe the polarity - positive and negative - of all connections.
Do not expose the Human Power Generator to water or spray.
Cleaning and Lubrication
Maintain the Human Power Generator as you would an ordinary bicycle, by regularly cleaning
and lubricating the drive chain and sprockets, and by keeping all surfaces and components
free of dirt and oil.