To insert new accumulator batteries, do as above but in reverse order.
Note the following:
When you connect the batterie connector to the power supply
connector sparking may occur. This is not harmful.
The nut on the connection must fit into the opening in the holding clip.
Do not forget to push the cables to the left of the accumulator
batteries under the clip again.
Place the upper part of the housing on the lower part again, and
secure the four screws.
Please dispose of the accumulator batteries in an
environment-friendly manner.
Security against power failure
The modular BEETLE /XL POS system offers you an additional important
After a power failure, the system remains fully functional for a short period
of time. The power required for continued operation is supplied by the
accumulator batteries.
Because the system is kept running by the accumulator batteries, the
application program can be terminated normally without data loss.
The power failure is reported to the application program via the Retail
Device Interface (see the chapter entitled “Software”). The application then
ensures that the program is terminated normally, by closing open files and
writing important information to nonvolatile memory, for example.
The duration and end of battery operation are controlled by the RDI
software. The system is then shut down. This prevents any unnecessary
discharging of the accumulator batteries.
A peripheral device such as a monitor connected to the
power output socket (110/220 VAC) of the POS system is
not supplied with power in the event of a power failure.
Accumulator batteries
The BEETLE /XL components
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